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Prevent Fraud at Each Stage of E-commerce Payments: Here’s How

representing the various stages of payments

Design a great payment flow and you’ll see some amazing results. Fail to secure it from fraud, and you could lose it all. A single event of fraud can mar even the best experience. Many merchants in Europe echo this – in fact, 41% see fraud as the biggest threat to their business. And preventing it is on everyone’s radar. And even as e-commerce soars in Europe, the sceptre of fraud looms – the region saw a 350% increase in e-commerce fraud in 2021. Hence you must take decisive steps to protect your customers and your brand. It means looking at each stage of the payment journey and optimizing your fraud setup. It means striking a balance – between strict anti-fraud measures and less friction in checkout. When you ensure your customers’ peace of mind, you win their trust and confidence. And a continued relationship. In this blog, we tell you how to prevent fraud at each stage of e-commerce payments – before, during, and after checkout. Your due diligence could make a big difference.

Read on to know more.

1. Beginning of transaction

You can protect your customers by securing them right from the start of checkout. When the customer hits the pay button, you can:

Also read: What is 3D Secure 2.3 And Why Do Merchants in Europe Need to Use It?

2. During the transaction

It is advisable to layer your 3DS2 tool with extra risk management tools for greater protection. These include:

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3. After the transaction

Despite having multiple fraud prevention layers, fraud can still occur sometime. But despair not, because there are ways to fight fraud even after a transaction is authorized or goods delivered to the fraud actor.

Final thoughts on Fraud Prevention

Data is key in your fight against payment fraud. If you use it well, it can benefit you a lot. Hence, you must analyze your data to derive rich insights so that you know which areas to target for better fraud prevention. Go deep – know your customer, their preferences, and shopping behaviours. Using granular data helps you not only to fight fraud better, it also helps you streamline payments for your customers.
Because fraud prevention tools can add friction to the checkout, you must optimize your systems to offer the best of both worlds. Apply fraud tools dynamically. Test as much as you can so that you know where to deploy the appropriate solutions. Choose the right partner to help you with your payments setup.

How can Novalnet Help to Prevent Fraud?

If you are looking for a partner that understands your business and your market, we can help. We’ve made payment solutions simple so that you can avail the best of technology for your business, no matter where you are.
As trusted advisors to Europe’s leading brands on all things payments, our state-of-the-art technologies and methods help businesses like yours accept payments globally. From our instant payment plug-ins to our AI-based risk management tools, we have the resources to get you up and running with your payments in a short time, and with zero hassle.
Reach out to us today to know more.

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