Archives: Glossaries
HTML The abbreviation HTML stands for “Hypertext Markup Language”. It is a text-based markup language that was developed as early as 1989 and published in its first version in 1992. Since HTML is not “programmed” but written, the designation of “programming language” is incorrect. Currently, the version HTML 4.01 is very widespread, although the successor […]
Hosting – provision of storage space and services on the WWW Hosting or web hosting is the provision of storage space, so-called web space. An Internet provider – i.e. a provider of Internet-related services – rents out this storage space, which is located on a server. Hosting includes server operation and also the connection to […]
The host – central point for data and functions in information technology The term host has had a firm place in electronic data processing since the 1960s. The systems at that time had a strong hierarchical structure. Today, the term host is used for computer systems that perform server functions and/or serve and control clients. […]
HIT – Number of hits on web pages The number of hits on a web page, also called “hits”, indicates how often the elements of the page or its subpages were called up by visitors on the WWW. Each individual access, regardless of whether it was to an HTML page or a graphic, is counted. […]
HBCI – Home banking in the national standard The abbreviation HBCI stands for “Home Banking Computer Interface”. This nationally valid standard was developed by the Central Credit Committee and is intended to make online banking more secure and to increase compatibility between different types of bank computers and customer systems. Banking kernel in the customer […]
Trade marketing – advertising strategies for trading companies Trade marketing is aimed at corporate management that successfully targets various markets relevant to trading companies with high sales. The term was coined in 1974 and has long since found its way into economics. Trade marketing is to be distinguished from so-called trade marketing, which refers to […]
Groupware solutions as the backbone of modern office communication What is available to the end user as a client, for example in the form of an email program, is in reality a highly complex system with a wide range of functions. Groupware solutions provide interfaces within divided work environments and support the individual task areas. […]
Gateway – the gateway for message transmission A gateway has the task of enabling communication between different network protocols and thus connecting different types of networks with each other. Messages are transferred from one computer network to another. Therefore, a gateway can also be regarded as a program converter. Tasks and working methods in the […]
Fulfillment The term fulfillment refers to the totality of activities associated with the delivery of goods to the customer after the contract has been concluded. The term fulfillment is generally used in connection with B2C activities and in e-commerce. For example, a logistics service provider arranges all the tasks that arise after receipt of an […]
Extranet An extranet is the extension of an intranet to include an area that is made accessible to registered users. An extranet is used to provide information for companies, partners or customers, for example, in a protected environment and has become an important component in the B2B sector. Advantages of the extranet The extranet uses […]
Information dissemination with ePublishing Electronic publishing disseminates news and information via virtual media such as digital reference works or net publications. All works in ePublishing have in common that can be accessed only with computers or other digital reading devices. In most cases, films on DVD, music on CD or digital radio programs are distinguished […]
Encryption Encryption means the conversion of information into a form that can only be understood by certain authorized persons. This process is often also referred to as ciphering. Encryption is used in the computer industry to secure data against unauthorized access. Encryption is used to convert certain content so that it is no longer comprehensible […]