
Cryptography Cryptography (ancient Greek for “hidden,” “secret,” “write”) originally represented the science of encrypting information. Today, cryptography is primarily concerned with the subject of information security, i.e. the conception, definition and construction of information systems that prevent the unauthorized reading or alteration of information. Cryptography (the science of encrypting information), together with cryptanalysis (the science […]

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Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management Knowledge management encompasses the acquisition, transfer, use, development and storage of knowledge. Knowledge management is becoming increasingly important due to changes in organizational and corporate structures as a result of the development of a knowledge society. Systematic handling of knowledge is essential for the success of companies and public institutions. Components of Knowledge […]

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SME Small and medium-sized enterprises (abbreviated to SMEs) have been defined since 2003 by the Commission of the European Union using the following parameters: Number of employees, annual turnover or balance sheet total. By means of a company’s figures in the area of employee numbers, annual turnover or annual balance sheet total, it is then […]

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Keyword A keyword consists of a term, a number and also a combination of numbers, characters and terms. Search engine and the keyword The term keyword is used especially in online marketing in the field of search engines. Search engines are like a large encyclopedia. The keyword serves as a search term with which information […]

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IP address

IP address An IP address is used to uniquely address a computer in a computer network. This allows a computer to be identified and reached on the network. An address can be assigned to several computers (as long as they do not want to establish an Internet connection at the same time). It is also […]

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Intranet An intranet is a non-public computer network that could be considered the opposite of the Internet. Such a network can be limited to a few computers or one company location, or it can connect all the branches of a globally operating company. The spatial extent of the network is not important in the case […]

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Infotainment Infotainment is an artificially created word made up of the English words “information” and “entertainment”. This term is used to describe media offerings that aim to present and convey information and knowledge in an entertaining way. Difficult issues, current political events, macroeconomic contexts or scientific achievements are often the subject of infotainment products. Origin […]

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Information Broker

Information Broker Information brokers are also referred to as infobrokers or information intermediaries. They are self-employed or salaried employees who deal with the research and evaluation of information on behalf of a client or their employer. Information brokers may, for example, prepare industry overviews, conduct economic research, or compile financial information. Tasks of Information Brokers […]

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IMAP IMAP is an abbreviation for the “Internet Message Access Protocol”. It is a protocol that is the successor of the POP protocol. The main difference is that with POP the emails are downloaded from the server and then deleted, while with IMAP they remain completely on the server. The server stores not only the […]

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Icon Icons are graphical symbols that usually represent software programs or certain commands on the computer. Almost every software contains a suitable icon, by which it can be identified at first sight. Also a file, a directory or a program call can be represented by an icon. Appearance of an icon An icon is usually […]

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Hypertext Hypertext is the term used to describe an electronic text which, in addition to the content it contains, provides further information about other documents and websites on the Internet via cross-references. These cross-references are realized via hyperlinks. This gives the text a net-like structure. The corresponding structures must be written in a markup language […]

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HTTP The abbreviation HTTP stands for “Hypertext Transfer Protocol” and refers to an Internet protocol that, together with the technologies URL and HTML, made the Internet in its current form possible in the first place. The HTTP protocol was developed starting in 1989 by Roy Fielding, Tim Berners-Lee and some of their colleagues at CERN. […]

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