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Payment Processing


We provide everything you need to take payments. The core competence of Novalnet lies in the processing of payment transactions. We offer the simple integration of all important payment methods in platforms, shops, CMS systems or self-developed systems – all common local and international payment methods, including factoring. And this from a single source and via its own platform.

As a payment service provider with a lot of experience and our own technical development department, we always look at the current market in order to immediately identify new payment methods or payment methods popular with end customers and to integrate them into the Novalnet portfolio immediately.

As a retailer, you can concentrate on your core business and rely on us as your reliable payment service provider. We monitor, optimize and manage payment processing for you -so you have more time and resources available for your business. As a platform or shop operator, you benefit from optimized service- tailored to your business model.

Smooth ordering process as the key to success

You have set up an attractive online shop or a popular online portal, customers are bustling around on your website and filling the shopping cart. From this point on, it is crucial that the successful sale is secured by a smooth check-out process. According to a survey of Internet users as part of the Ernst & Young Retail Barometer, payment options are decisive for over 2/3 of online customers. Do not lose any customers when checking out because the desired payment method is not offered! With Novalnet you are flexible in your choice of online payment methods and you can rely on the highest level of security thanks to comprehensive fraud prevention modules. Seriousness and trust in online retailers are of the utmost importance for a good 80% of buyers. An uncomplicated and transparent payment process makes a decisive contribution to this. Trust in e-payment from a single source via Novalnet.

Transfer of existing customer data from another PSP /Acquirer/Service partner

After you, as the contractual partner have issued the power of attorney, we will contact your previous payment service provider (PSP)/acquirer/service partner directly and take care of the entire transfer of the data from your existing customers, especially the sensitive payment data (via secure channels ). Taking over existing customers is therefore not a problem with the cooperation of the other PSP/acquirer/service partner. In the past, we have already made a quick and uncomplicated change for various large customers (contractual partners).

This process fully complies with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS).

One-click payment / payment reference (alias / token)

Novalnet offers you a secure and elegant way to reuse already processed payment and customer data for later purchases by your customers and thus to facilitate the entire checkout with a one-click solution. Loyal customers, in particular, appreciate this service, as payment information does not have to be re-entered over and over again. You should already be familiar with this option from providers such as Amazon. Overall, this can significantly reduce the dropout rate. The most important point here is that you do not directly process and save payment data. The payment reference (also known under the terms alias or token) is initiated at Novalnet via the “create_payment_ref” parameter (creation of a payment reference) and initiated via the “payment_ref” parameter (for subsequent transactions) at Novalnet.

This process fully complies with the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry) standards.

In addition, many other details such as in the case of credit cards, the first 6 and last 4 digits of the CC number, as well as the month and year of expiry, are returned.

Intelligent payment control / smart payment selection

A noticeable increase in sales and competitiveness is achieved if a customer-friendly and secure payment process can be offered with a large selection of payment methods. However, this often increases the risk of default for the company. To minimize this risk, it is advisable to control the payment methods per order depending on the customer and their shopping cart. In order to keep the risk as low as possible when the goods are sold, additional modules for fraud prevention can be activated in the Novalnet dealer administration. This includes, for example, checking the country of origin of IP addresses and credit cards as well as using the flexible limit check. On the other hand, the automatic comparison of several credit agencies is possible, such as Arvato info score or CRIF (Bürgel, deltavista). In addition, returning customers are automatically recognized and the preferred payment method is displayed. It is no longer necessary to re-enter the customer or payment data.

The payment method control supported by Novalnet sustainably reduces order cancellations, increases customer satisfaction and conversion rates and lowers the risk of fraud and failure. You always remain flexible and can decide for yourself which payment methods and services from Novalnet you would like to use.

One-page checkout

The one-page checkout focuses on simplicity and user-friendliness. With the one-page checkout, the ordering process is considerably simplified; all changes can be carried out and checked on a single page. Several ordering steps are saved and fewer clicks are required to complete the order. Depending on the country, your customers benefit from more flexible payment options and faster payment processing.

Fraud prevention

Intelligent and automated fraud prevention in payment processing minimizes the risk of payment default for the merchant during the ordering process. Therefore, Novalnet offers you a comprehensive selection of modules for fraud prevention, which effectively reduce the risk of double bookings (duplicates) or payment default during the ordering process. The risk is significantly reduced via various plausibility checks and database checks. These “fraud modules” can also be tailored to the shop or the billing website.

Selection of payment methods by the end customer

The payment methods for the end customer can be selected either on your shop page, your website, your platform, in your app or on a Novalnet page, whereby your page can, of course, remain unchanged in your usual layout.

Payment guarantee

With the payment methods SEPA direct debit and purchase on account with payment guarantee, a credit check is carried out in real-time when the data is transmitted to Novalnet. If the check yields a positive credit rating, you as the contractual partner will receive a payment guarantee from Novalnet.

The advantage of a payment guarantee is that you protect yourself against payment defaults. This creates planning security and strengthens your liquidity. If your customer doesn’t pay, we’ll pay.

Instalment payments

Payment in instalments can also be selected for the popular payment methods purchase on account and SEPA direct debit – completely free of interest for both you and consumers. The flexible payment makes the shop much more attractive to consumers and increases your sales success. Here, too, Novalnet assumes the default risk, and this at the favourable terms of the payment guarantee. The duration and the maximum shopping cart value can be freely selected according to your wishes. There is no limit. If a buyer pays late, Novalnet’s customer-friendly dunning process starts. Reminder fees for consumers, as with other providers, do not apply here.

Mobile payment methods

Payment by app (in-app payment)

No matter what kind of goods or services you offer – the in-app payment methods from Novalnet convert purchase impulses into sales. A variety of payment methods and individual adaptation to each app make shopping and payment even easier and guarantee the highest conversion rates.

Whether it’s an impulse purchase or an extension of an existing service – the diverse payment methods make it easier than ever for the user.

Of course, despite all the simplicity, security is not neglected! All sensitive information is stored exclusively on Novalnet’s secure access servers and the apps only receive the necessary encrypted payment references (so-called alias numbers or tokens), on the basis of which the allocation and payments are carried out. This encryption saves effort and costs for possible PCI tests and reduces the development effort since the encryption is a matter for Novalnet.

It is almost superfluous to mention that the processes and all security checks are carried out in fractions of a second, but the end customer does not notice anything.

For the end customer, payment is quick, easy, secure and convenient – just like for the retailer, who finally receives a confirmation of the successful purchase.

With the Mobile SDKs (Self-Development-Kits) for Android and iOS as well as the integration via WebView, Novalnet already offers simple options for technical connection.

Payment by mobile phone bill (direct carrier billing)

With the user-friendly payment method Direct Carrier Billing, your customers can easily donate or pay via their mobile phone bill. You can use them to register for digital services or subscriptions. Games, music, video streaming or other digital content: your customers pay with just a few clicks on their PC, tablet or mobile phone.

Credits/Goodwill credit /Voucher solution

Credits or goodwill credits or vouchers are of course also possible. A mandatory prerequisite for this is either a corresponding credit balance on the part of the trader in his escrow account or a deposited collection order from the respective trader to us. This allows us to collect this amount from the partner at any time and credit it accordingly.

Of course, in the case of goodwill credits, we also show the amount and all information relevant to identification on the next regular invoice. A new invoice can also be created if required. We can determine the individual special requirements in a joint, personal conversation.

In addition, our contractual partners also have the option of arranging credits or incentives for end customers. For this, we have so-called incentive marketing in our product portfolio. This allows our contractual partners to send their end customers, for example, vouchers in individual amounts for Google Play, iTunes, Amazon, Spotify etc.

Registration process

You use either the so-called “JSON Object Technology” or an inline frame (Iframe) in your shop, i.e. an HTML element into which the end customer enters his payment data directly. Both technologies ensure that you (or your system) can neither save nor edit the data. The data is transmitted to Novalnet using a PCI-compliant process (with 256-bit encryption), which means that you do not need your own PCI certification. Novalnet checks the data according to the selected settings (e.g. plausibility of the bank details, the plausibility of the credit card number, etc.) and stores it. In the case of credit cards, if the processor (service provider who takes on the management of credit card transactions for an issuer bank) supports this option, a test authorization is carried out immediately, which is then immediately cancelled. This can be used to check whether the CVC (three or four-digit card verification number on the front or back) is correct and that the card can in principle be loaded. Using the full credit card number, multiple registrations can also be checked and avoided.

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